Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best of Eleven.

I'm trying to not let this blog die. I promise (fingers crossed) to be actually blogging more next year.

The ladies seem to be ruling everything this year, from music to the movies, nabbing top spots here and also not mentioned (Adele, Gillian Welch, Civil Wars). Here are my faves of the year, represented by haikus.

1. Lykke Li "Wounded Rhymes"

twisted love songs
haunt my senses

2. The Secret Sisters "The Secret Sisters"

The two originals
Are reason enough
For a top spot

3. The Black Keys "El Camino"

Well guys
I don't know how
But they did it again

4. Tom Waits "Bad As Me"

Nails on the chalkboard
Sugar in the coffee
Tom at his best

5. Wilco "The Whole Love"

Almost getting back
To their top form
Wilco always delivers

6. Nick 13 "Nick 13"

Trading psycho for hill
Songs stand tall
This billy does good

7. Those Darlins "Screws Get Loose"

the name says it all
babes rule
punk - country - rock n roll

8. Fucked Up "David Comes To Life"

Multi-layered, melodic, methodical
Is it still punk?
I say yes

9. Black Lips "Arabia Mountain"

same drugs
same noise
same awesome

10. Bazan "Strange Negotiations"

Bare and thin
Bone and skin
Dave dives in

There weren't many movies I even saw, less that I really dug, but here are a few good ones.

"The Adventures of Tintin"

Swordfights and mysteries
Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones
Would be jealous

"The Tree of Life"

the joys of childhood
cling to the pain
saving it


lots of it
doesn't distract from the moral

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"

Revenge is a dish
Served with burning rubber
And a messy needle


Born killer
Leaves viewer
Begging for sequel

Respond with haikus of your own!


  1. this list is awesome
    yet - Tom Waits
    makes me want to die

  2. movie additions:

    mom only allowed
    muppets and sesame street
    belated thank you

    Margin Call
    wall street and the crash
    played out by folks in the know
    yes, worth two hours
